People with purpose always have passion.

Our Story

The Vector name has always implied – and delivered on – both magnitude and direction.

Upon Vector’s founding in 1990, our business evolved around IT staffing and product development/marketing. In 2007, we sold our promising bank software product and focused our energy on IT staffing. Since 2008, Vector has grown selectively in Contingent IT Workforce Solutions – experiencing a 500% increase in revenue growth.

What we do and how we do it matters. Operating in a highly competitive environment, the IT workforce has become transformative. Our mission, however, has remained the same: to build strategic client partnerships that deliver the necessary IT workforce solutions year after year.

While some would say ‘I don’t care how you do it, just do it right’ – we respectfully disagree. For consistency in our delivery, we’ve developed a smart approach to enhance our start-up and execution speed and quality. This allows us to provide custom, yet flexible IT Workforce and IT Project Solutions.

…this has been a wonderful experience, and everyone here has been great. My Vector Recruiter has been an incredible resource and has really gone above and beyond to help me with the entire interview process and greatly assisted me with everything.

Yarvis D., Contract Associate